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These are one time only awards and it is expected that the winner will serve on the awards committee. The criteria for the teaching awards is based on excellence in teaching. A narrative application will be written by the nominee not to exceed three pages or 750 words. We suggest a student survey to include student input in the process. Some specific criteria as adopted from the Palomar example: demonstrate subject expertise and currency enthusiasm about subject matter and about teaching effective utilization of various teaching techniques clear and effective communication willingness to meet with students outside class and/or provide means for students to receive assistance challenges, motivates, and encourages students to think independently creates a strong desire on the part of students to learn more about the subject matter guides and mentors students in making successful life/career choices sets high standards for student learning And/or we could adopt the Mission College forms and criteria attached. For the non-classroom faculty award criteria will be innovation and/or excellence in faculty member抯 assignment. ;A h�9�CJ h�9�5丆JCD��� - V i j 0 1 ] ^ � � �  { �  ] � � � � A���������������������������gd�9� & Fgd�9�A�.:p�9�靶/ 班=!�"�#悹$悹%�靶靶 愋��<�@�<� NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA��D Default Paragraph FontRi��R  Table Normal�4� l4�a� (k��(No ListA����ACD��� -Vij01]^���{�]����C�!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!��!�CD��� -Vij01]^���{�]����C�0€€8€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€� 0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€�0€€€AA A C@C.b驥敇����������8剺��8^�8`剺﨩JPJQJRJo(-€�剺��^�`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚o€勜 剺��� ^勜 `剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю€劏 剺��� ^劏 `剺﨩JQJo(噃圚佛€剎剺��x^剎`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚o€凥剺��H^凥`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю€�剺��^�`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚佛€勮剺���^勮`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚o€劯剺���^劯`剺﨩JQJo(噃圚ю.b驥��������Fi�        ��9��@€�+0AP@��Unknown������������G�噝 €�Times New Roman5�€Symbol3&� 噝 €�Arial?5� 噝 €�Courier New;�€Wingdings ��鹦hTS覨TS覨�S �S !�����€24>>�2僎�P����������������������{L2��BReport to Academic Senate concerning faculty recognition  2/23/09Foothill College Faculty Staff �鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0紃���� , DP p | �������DReport to Academic Senate concerning faculty recognition � 2/23/0917吃瓜 Normal.dotFaculty Staff2Microsoft Office Word@@豔柦∩@豔柦∩�SGq����VT$m, o8&" WMFC�- �.l� � UT#m EMF�` 8 � ��    � � Rp����@Times New RomanG�噝 €�Times ew Roman@8J$\Regis�虼0�LN�0瑕dv% Rp����@Times New Roman�/ 0\水00 0G�噝 €�Times ew Roman�!Time5- 0P水00l�虼0�LN�0瑕dv%  %  T�w+/mUUA膶Awa9L� � �Report to Academic Senate concerning faculty recognition *!* 0    TT/+LmUUA膶A0aL� � P nTTM+[mUUA膶AMaL� � P % Tx\, nUUA膶A\aL� � \2/23/09nTT,(nUUA膶AaL� � P  TTwo��UUA膶Aw�L� � P  Tw�P�UUA膶Aw�IL� � �We recommend that there be five awards offered, beginning with three the 7-+*+ T�w�V7UUA膶Aw* L� � dfirst year:TTW�q7UUA膶AW*L� � P  T8w8]zUUA膶Awm'L� � �1) Outstanding Full Time Teaching Award* $,#)*TT^8wzUUA膶A^mL� � P  T€w{u�UUA膶Aw�3L� � �2) Outstanding Associate (Part Time) Teaching Award*) $,#**TTv{��UUA膶Av�L� � P  T�w��UUA膶Aw� L� � d3) Outstand*Tx��EUUA膶A��L� � \ing Nonn*TTF�XUUA膶AF�L� � P-T�Y��UUA膶AY�L� � |Classroom Faculty Awardd(,*+TT���UUA膶A��L� � P t T�w�DUUA膶Aw7 L� � dsecond year:TT��DUUA膶A�7L� � P t T<wE��UUA膶Awz(L� � �4) Distinguished Community Service Award*'-- )*TT�E��UUA膶A�zL� � P  T�w�z�UUA膶Aw�L� � p5) Team Work Award#,7)*TT{���UUA膶A{�L� � P e TTw�� UUA膶AwL� � P B T(wuPUUA膶AwCOL� � �Eligibility for teaching awards: Faculty must have taught at least three years o$*, T�wQ��UUA膶Aw�GL� � �at the College. These are one time only awards and it is expected thatu'#,+Tl�Q:�UUA膶A��L� � X the v THw�q�UUA膶Aw�*L� � �winner will serve on the awards committee.*+*-,TTr���UUA膶Ar�L� � P o TTw��UUA膶Aw L� � P p Tw?\UUA膶AwOLL� � �The criteria for the teaching awards is based on excellence in teaching. A $*) Tw]�UUA膶Aw�IL� � �narrative application will be written by the nominee not to exceed three f+*, T�w���UUA膶Aw�:L� � �pages or 750 words. We suggest a student survey to includ&" WMFC �*7T���€�UUA膶A��L� � te student input in  Tw�3%UUA膶AwIL� � �the process. Some specific criteria as adopted from the Palomar example: +, ,,TT4�N%UUA膶A4L� � P R TTw&�hUUA膶Aw[L� � P olRp����@"Arialg ���h$%]h$%黠郮壤0F�0s. Some specij�0N�0妪�@酞0U�0狉�0�€@酞03&�噝 €�Arial0€�幱0P绂虼0P绂LN�0h绂dv%  % TT j�UUA膶A �L� � P-% TT jW�UUA膶A �L� � P 8% THXjF�UUA膶AX�*L� � �demonstrate subject expertise and currency,TTGj`�UUA膶AG�L� � P !� � " ���� % TT ��UUA膶A �L� � P-% TT �W�UUA膶A �L� � P 8% TxX� �UUA膶AX�2L� � �enthusiasm about subject matter and about teaching,,TT �&�UUA膶A �L� � P !� � " ���� % TT �2UUA膶A %L� � P-% TT �W1UUA膶A %L� � P 8% T�X��2UUA膶AX%4L� � �effective utilization of various teaching techniquesTT�� 2UUA膶A�%L� � P !� � " ���� % TT 3uUUA膶A hL� � P-% TT 3WtUUA膶A hL� � P 8% T�X3�uUUA膶AXhL� � lclear and effecT��3~uUUA膶A�hL� � ptive communication-,TT3�uUUA膶AhL� � P !� � " ���� % TT v�UUA膶A �L� � P-% TT vW�UUA膶A �L� � P 8% T�Xv �UUA膶AX�?L� � �willingness to meet with students outside class and/or provide *+*!� � " ���� T<X���UUA膶AX�(L� � �means for students to receive assistance,TT���UUA膶A��L� � P !� � " ���� % TT �>UUA膶A 1L� � P-% TT �W=UUA膶A 1L� � P 8% T�X�r>UUA膶AX18L� � �challenges, motivates, and encourages students to think ,!� � " ���� T�X?��UUA膶AXt L� � hindependentlyTT�?��UUA膶A�tL� � P !� � " ���� % TT ��UUA膶A �L� � P-% TT �W�UUA膶A �L� � P 8% T�X���UUA膶AX�?L� � �creates a strong desire on the part of students to learn more a,Tl��U�UUA膶A��L� � Xbout !� � " ���� T�X�� UUA膶AX�L� � pthe subject matter,TT�� UUA膶A��L� � P !� � " ���� % TT  J UUA膶A = L� � P-% TT  WI UUA膶A = L� � P 8% T�X �J UUA膶AX= =L� � �guides and mentors students in making successful life/career ,,h&�WMFC�!� � " ���� TxXK � UUA膶AX€ L� � \choicesTTK � UUA膶A€ L� � P !� � " ���� % TT � � UUA膶A � L� � P-% TT � W� UUA膶A � L� � P 8% T<X� �� UUA膶AX� (L� � �sets high standards for student learningTT�� � UUA膶A�� L� � P !� � " ���� TTw� � UUA膶Aw L� � P  T�w �W UUA膶AwJ FL� � �And/or we could adopt the Mission College forms and criteria attached.**5',TT W UUA膶AJ L� � P  TTwX �� UUA膶Aw� L� � P  T�w� �� UUA膶Aw� L� � dFor the non TT�� �� UUA膶A�� L� � P-T,�� �� UUA膶A�� %L� � �classroom faculty award criteria will+**T��� �� UUA膶A�� L� � x be innovation and/or  THw� t UUA膶Aw *L� � �excellence in faculty member s assignment.,,,TTu� � UUA膶Au L� � P % €6� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 66� 6� � 6� 6  ��.���@Times New Roman-���@Times New Roman-- a2 hn9��Report to Academic Senate concerning faculty recognition               2 h��� 2 h#�� -2 h(��2/23/09  2 h\��  2 {n�� y2 �nI��We recommend that there be five awards offered, beginning with three the            2 �n ��first year: 2 ���� F2 �n'��1) Outstanding Full Time Teaching Awardg         2 ���� X2 �n3��2) Outstanding Associate (Part Time) Teaching Awardh          2 ���� 2 �n ��3) Outstand  2 ����ing Non  2 ����-.2 ����Classroom Faculty Award      2 ���� 2 �n ��second year:  2 ���� G2 n(��4) Distinguished Community Service Award            2 ��� &2 n��5) Team Work Award      2 ��  2 ,n�� �2 @nO��Eligibility for teaching awards: Faculty must have taught at least three years           v2 TnG��at the College. These are one time only awards and it is expected that       2 TK�� the o J2 gn*��winner will serve on the awards committee.        2 g���  2 {n�� }2 �nL��The criteria for the teaching awards is based on excellence in teaching. A       y2 �nI��narrative application will be written by the nominee not to exceed three           b2 �n:��pages or 750 words. We suggest a student survey to includ        (2 ���e student input in w  y2 �nI��the process. Some specific criteria as adopted from the Palomar example:            2 �g��  2 �n�� ���@"Arial-- 2 ����-- 2 ���� -J2 ��*��demonstrate subject expertise and currency     2 ���� ,��'��- 2 ���-- 2 ��� -V2 �2��enthusiasm about subject matter and about teaching          2 �� ,��'��- 2 ���-- 2 ��� -Y2 �4��effective utilization of various teaching techniques       2  �� ,��'��- 2 ,���-- 2 ,��� -"2 ,���clear and effec&2 ,��tive communication    2 ,��� ,��'��- 2 @���-- 2 @��� -j2 @�?��willingness to meet with students outside class and/or provide          ,��'��G2 S�(��means for students to receive assistance    2 S��� ,��'��- 2 g���-- 2 g��� -_2 g�8��challenges, motivates, and encourages students to think      ,��'��2 {� ��independently   2 {�� ,��'��- 2 ����-- 2 ���� -j2 ��?��creates a strong desire on the part of students to learn more a          2 �N��bout o  ,��'��&2 ����the subject matter   2 �)�� ,��'��- 2 ����-- 2 ���� -g2 ��=��guides and mentors students in making successful life/career           ,��'��2 ����choices  2 ���� ,��'��- 2 ����-- 2 ���� -G2 ��(��sets high standards for student learning      2 ���� ,��'�� 2 �n�� t2 nF��And/or we could adopt the Mission College forms and criteria attached.            2 X��  2 n�� 2 ,n ��For the non   2 ,���-C2 ,�%��classroom faculty award criteria willi    ,2 ,��� be innovation and/or     J2 ?n*��excellence in faculty member抯 assignment.       2 ?��� ��"System-�������������������������������������胀諟.摋+,0D hp���� ���� � #�17吃瓜 Community College >' CReport to Academic Senate concerning faculty recognition � 2/23/09 Title ��� ��� !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<�=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMN���PQRSTUV������Y���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Root Entry�������� �F啶∩[€1Table�������� xWordDocument��������0SummaryInformation(����靣DocumentSummaryInformation8������������OCompObj������������q���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���� �FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8�9瞦